
Sept 1 – 3, 2022
Integral, Guilin


Matthew Wang

President & CTO, We-Doctor Group
Former Global Vice President, IBM

Dr. Matthew Wang holds Ph.D. in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University and MBA degree from George Washington University.  

In 1998, Dr. Wang joined IBM as the Chief Architect of global supply chain for Personal Computer division. He has also served as Director of IBM Global Service Department, Executive Assistant to the General Manager of Global R&D Center, Director of Silicon Valley Development Center, General Manager of Sales at Asia Pacific Headquarters.  

In 2008, he became the General Manager of China Development Lab and Global Vice President of IBM, responsible for the development of strategic platforms such as big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing.  

In 2016, Dr. Wang joined Cybernaut Investment Group as President and became Chairman of Cybernaut International.  

In 2020, Dr. Wang joined We-Doctor as CTO and CEO of We-Doctor Cloud, leading the reconstruction and operation of We-Doctor technology and We-Doctor international platform. In 2021, Mr. Matt was promoted to President of We-doctor Group focusing on digital transformation of the group and development of new markets.  

Dr. Wang also serves as Vice Chairman of Center for China and Globalization (CCG), Vice Director of China National Big Data Expert Committee, Vice Director of China National Cloud Computing Expert Committee, Director of the European and American Alumni Association, Director of China Enterprise Confederation, Executive Dean of Zhejiang University Innovation Institute International, Professor of Practice for ZJU-SMU DBA , Visiting Professor of Zhejiang University ,Tsinghua University, China Europe International Business School and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

Wang Matthew