
Sept 1 – 3, 2022
Integral, Guilin


Deglobalization, trade protectionism, COVID-19 and the Russian-Ukrainian war have led to a sharp rise in food and energy prices worldwide as of late, derailing global efforts made thus far against climate change over the past few decades. These factors have begun to reverse the precious progress we have made in poverty eradication, healthcare and other fields, while piling on more difficulties in meeting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

As global citizens, we are all on the same boat, sharing the same fate. Through peace and cooperation, we can strive to create a world where everyone is a winner. By working together to keep this boat afloat and persevering through the storm, we can sail toward a brighter and more sustainable future. While cooperation is a powerful force, fear is on the opposite side as one of the biggest enemies of any organization.

A mindful leader full of positive energy can boost the confidence of their team, just as outstanding captains ready their crew to face incoming storms. When people come together to focus on a common goal, strong team spirit fosters a high degree of unity that grants a greater chance of success.

The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and robots has changed the world, adding a new dimension to the way companies compete. In the near future, AI will alter the definition of labor and the norms of an office environment. All industries – especially the manufacturing industry – can accelerate sustainable transformation across their production processes and more with enhanced technology and innovation. Strengthening the core competitiveness of an enterprise will become more important.

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