
7-9 Nov. 2019
Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin

An Inflection Point – Accelerating Action For
People, Planet and Prosperity

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 to solve these pressing social, environmental, and economic issues.
Four years on, UN acknowledges that progress has been slow and uneven, leaving the most marginalized groups behind.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 to solve these pressing social, environmental, and economic issues.
Four years on, UN acknowledges that progress has been slow and uneven, leaving the most marginalized groups behind.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 to solve these pressing social, environmental, and economic issues.
Four years on, UN acknowledges that progress has been slow and uneven, leaving the most marginalized groups behind.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 to solve these pressing social, environmental, and economic issues.
Four years on, UN acknowledges that progress has been slow and uneven, leaving the most marginalized groups behind.

The 2019 Integral Conversation is an opportunity to reflect on efforts of the past and look for ways to shift the trajectory of our future.

We will explore opportunities in which we can accelerate impact on SDG 8 – promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, and SDG 12 – ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Together, we can shape a future whereby people and the environment coexist in harmony for shared prosperity.

The SDGs present a US$12 trillion opportunity for global economic growth. In today’s Information Age enabled by technology, new fields of employment will emerge, and new skills will be required. This panel brings together corporate leaders to discuss quality employment, and ways to prepare the workforce for increased productivity that stimulates the economy while respecting the environment.
There is growing momentum in global multi-stakeholder engagement in the SDGs, and digital transformation continues to enable new ways of analyzing and disseminating valuable information to aid progress. Yet advancement of many of the SDGs is slow and still fails to reach people living in pockets of poverty. This panel will address the limitations and challenges of the SDG framework, and identify ways for governments, corporations, and individuals to work in synergy to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
The sustainable development landscape is largely led by governments and corporations, yet the power to make a difference lies also with individuals. In this discussion, we will hear about the experiences in taking action at the local community level to drive positive change, and the transformative implications this can have on lives of those around them.
We are using 1.7 times more resources than the Earth can replenish. We must transform current take-make-dispose patterns of production and consumption, or risk irreversible damage to the planet and our livelihood. Businesses are looking at shifting to a circular economy – finding value throughout a product’s life cycle by means of reuse, recycle, repair and remanufacture. This panel will explore innovations and partnerships needed to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.