
7-9 Nov. 2019
Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin

An Inflection Point – Accelerating Action For
People, Planet and Prosperity

Nannan Lundin

Counsellor and Head of Section, Science and Innovation, Embassy of Sweden in Beijing

Dr. Nannan Lundin is Counsellor Science and Innovation and the Head of the Section for Science and Innovation at the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing, starting in June 2018. Her mission is to promote research, innovation and higher education in areas of strategic values for Sweden and for bilateral exchange and cooperation between Sweden and China.

During 2015 -2017, Dr. Lundin was a senior advisor to Sweden’s former Minister of Strategic Development and Nordic Cooperation at the Office for Strategic Development, Prime Minister’s Office and at the Department of Global Agenda, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since the launch of the implementation of Agenda 2030, Dr. Lundin has been a member of the Inter-Departmental Core Working Group of Agenda 2030 of the Swedish Government Offices. Her focus on and contribution to the Working Group was strategic governance issues as well as the role of system innovation, related to the development of Sweden’s National Strategy for Agenda 2030.

Before she joined the Government Offices of Sweden, she was the Director for Energy & Climate Programme and the head of Secretariat for Nordic Action Group (NAG) on Climate and Energy at Global Utmaning (Global Challenge) during 2013- 2015.

Since 2005, Dr. Lundin has been working on policy issues related to science, innovation and sustainable development. She worked on innovation policy and globalisation of Research and Innovation at the Directorate of Science, Technology and Industry of the OECD Secretariat in Paris during 2005 – 2008. After that she was Programme Director at the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) and Program Director at E3G (Third Generation Environmentalism) during 2009 – 2014. She has been deeply involved in diplomatic networks as well as bilateral and multilateral cooperation on energy, climate and innovation for the EU Commission, EU Member States, USA and China.
She received her Ph.D. in economics from Örebro University, Sweden in 2004.

Lundin Nannan