Integral Conversation
November 18-19, 2014
Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin
Mu Zhengpeng
Executive Director, Shan Shui Conservation Centre

Ms. Mu joined Shanshui Conversation Centre as Executive Director in 2013. She also held positions of Executive Director of Loving Animal Foundation and Deputy Managing Director for Government Relation and Global Sponsor Relationship at the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University previously.

Ms. Mu has extensive experience in journalism and broadcasting. She was a journalist and anchor at CCTV (China Central TV Station) (1996-1999) and produced a number of successful TV series including Phoenix TV’s “Passenger in Africa Series” and Shanghai Dragon TV’s “Morning News Program”. She was also the Founder and Producer of China’s first reading TV programme interviewing Chinese celebrities on their favorite books, life philosophy, and their vision on China’s future and global sustainability.

Ms Mu received her MBA from University of Technology of Sydney, Australia in 2002, majoring in fund management and IT. She received her undergraduate degree from China Capital Normal University, majoring in Spanish literature in 1993. She was also the winner of CCTV Top Media Prize in News Interview.