Before and Beyond: Sustainability and Living
We care about a sustainable future so as to protect and promote our way of living. And hence the first question that must be raised is what do we care about in life?

The Integral Conversation of 2015 will center around living, understanding the values that we care for, and the means that we have to protect them. This year, featured speakers will include George Yeo, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Singapore and Chairman of Kerry Logistics Network; Susan Rockefeller, an avid "creative conservationist" and documentary filmmaker; David Rockefeller Jr, Chair of The Rockefeller Foundation, in addition to a list of highly regarded speakers. We believe that the sustainable life must be one full of joy and abundance. Together, we will consider how to bring this future to fruition.

The role of institutes in making an impact

Institutions, and corporations in particular, are often seen as the source of environmental degradation and/ or social injustice. But many institutes are agents of positive change. How are the corporations taking up the leading role in addressing sustainability issues? How is sustainability viewed today in the executive suites? What are the forces shaping their sustainability agenda?

Clothing: Sustainable fashion — does it really matter?

Making clothes has an impact on the environment. Yet the apparel industry may not be doing as much as it could to reduce this impact and to promote betterment. What are the drivers of change in the apparel industry and where do they come from? What kind of changes that would lead the industry to a more sustainable future?

Food: How What we Eat Affects us?

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about one-third — or 1.3 billion tonnes — of global food production goes to waste each year. How can we make the food supply chain more sustainable and promote healthier diets among people?

Living: How to Maximize Social Interaction in Planning and Designing Future City?

Urban buildings are often thought of merely as structures that utilize a certain set of technologies, and that meet a standard in energy or water consumption. But architecture and urban designs shape how we live. What are the design values that promote a better life for individuals and shape a more humanized society?

Mobility: How Individuals Reduce Carbon Footprint and Rise to Meet the Future Green Transportation Challenge?

The demands on transportation infrastructure continue to mount in fast-growing economies due to urbanization. How can we venture outside the box to solve problems of traffic congestion, air pollution, and other challenges? Can demand-led changes in individuals' commuting habits invoke broader changes across different sectors?