
Nov 13, 2020
Integral, Guilin


John S. Wadsworth, Jr.

Honorary Chairman, Morgan Stanley Asia, Advisory Director, Morgan Stanley

Jack Wadsworth is Honorary Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and Advisory Director of Morgan Stanley globally. He is also Chairman and Co-Founder of Ceyuan Ventures, a China based early stage technology venture fund. Mr. Wadsworth joined Morgan Stanley as a Managing Director in 1978. In 1987, he moved to Japan as President of Morgan Stanley Japan. In 1991, Mr. Wadsworth moved to Hong Kong as Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia. In 2001, he retired from Morgan Stanley and moved from Hong Kong to San Francisco.

Mr. Wadsworth is a Trustee of the California College of the Arts; a Director of American Friends of M+; a Director of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art; a Director of Lever; a member of the Booth School Business Council; a Director of Asia Art Archive; an Advisor to Mission Bay Capital. Mr. Wadsworth is also an Emeritus Trustee of Williams College, the Asia Society and the Guggenheim Museum.

Mr. Wadsworth began his investment banking career with The First Boston Corporation in 1963. Mr. Wadsworth earned a B.A. from Williams College in 1961, and an M.B.A. from the Booth School of Business in 1963.

Wadsworth, John S Jr.