
November 15-17, 2018
Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin


Yongsheng Zhang

Deputy Director General, Department of Development Strategy and Regional Economy, Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council of P.R. China Chief Expert, Green Development, DRC Special Advisor, China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED)

Dr. Yongsheng Zhang is the Deputy Director General of Department of Development Strategy and Regional Economy of the Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council of P.R. China, Chief Expert on Green Development at DRC, Special Advisor of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED).

In recent years, he has been doing systematic theoretic and policy research on green development in the perspective of redefining development, as well as conducting green development experiments in poor regions to achieve leapfrog development through green transformation. He is the lead author of some influential reports, including CCICED report “The New Era of Green Development: China’s Green Transition to 2050”, “Seizing the Opportunity of Green Development in China”, a joint report between DRC and the World Bank. He is the author of a host of refereed papers and two monographs New Classical Economics and Inframarginal Analysis (with Xiaokai Yang) and Irrelevance of the Size of the Firm: Theory and Evidence

Zhang Yongsheng