Since 1998, Yusuke Saraya has served as President and CEO of SARAYA Co., Ltd. SARAYA was founded on the premise of creating new hygiene solutions for protecting the health of the users while maintaining a harmonious relation with the environment.
Yusuke studied Fermentation Technology at Osaka University in Japan and received a Master Degree in Sanitary Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley in the USA. He then joined SARAYA in 1976.
Under his leadership, SARAYA has stepped up to address the issue of sustainable resources, especially biological conservation and the use of palm oil. The Borneo Conservation Trust was established to lead progress and understanding of biodiversity conservation in the rain forest of Borneo.
Yusuke is committed to the implement his “The Global Citizenship” motto in sharing the precious value of the Earth among the people and natures, respect the sustainable use of natural resources and keep the bio-diversity. He believes that the synergy of collaborations and participation with individuals, academics, businesses and governments can change our world to be a sustainable place to live and fit to inherit many generations to come.