Siu Cheung Kong
Professor, the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology and Director, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, the Education University of Hong Kong

Professor KONG is currently a professor at the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology; and Director of Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, at the Education University of Hong Kong. He holds a doctorate from the Department of Computer Science of the City University of Hong Kong. Prof. Kong has produced over 150 academic publications in the areas of pedagogy in the digital classroom; policy on technology-transformed education, professional development of teachers for learner-centered learning in seamless learning environments; IT in mathematics education; information literacy education and computational thinking education. He has completed/conducted 71 research projects since joining the University.

Prof. Kong is at present serving as the Past-President of the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE), following his capacities as the President-Elect (2012-2013) and the President (2014-2015) in APSCE. He is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the international journal of Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL) and the Journal of Computers in Education (JCE). Prof. Kong was also the Convener of “Theory and Practice of Pedagogical Design for Learning in Digital Classrooms”, International Research Network (IRN) under World Educational Research Association (WERA) from December 2012 to December 2015. He is now a member of the Assessment and Monitoring Sub-committee of the Quality Education Fund (QEF) of the HKSAR.