Chetwyn Chan
Vice President (Research and Development) and Peter T. C. Lee Chair Professor of Psychology
The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor Chetwyn Chan is the Vice President (Research and Development) and Peter T. C. Lee Chair Prof. of Psychology. He obtained a PhD in Educational Psychology in 1995 from the University of Alberta, Canada. Prof. Chan has been an Elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association since 2008 and a Fellow of the Hong Kong Psychological Society since 2007.
Prof. Chan’s research work explores mechanisms underlying human learning, particularly perceptual and cross-modal learning employing brain imaging, electroencephalograms, and behavioral methods. He also applies the mechanisms to understand the behaviors of people with disabilities and older individuals, and design interventions to enhance their functional capabilities. Prof. Chan is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Sports and Health Science. He has published more than 200 research papers and secured more than $20 million in competitive research and development grants.
Prof. Chan is recognized for his significant contribution to psychology, rehabilitation sciences and medical innovations since 2008. He received the Global Leadership in Rehabilitation Science Award from Virginia Commonwealth University in the United States. In 2011, he received the Alumni Honor Award from the University of Alberta for his influence in Asia’s research and education development in rehabilitation. In 2018, Prof. Chan and his research team won the First Prize in Science and Technology from the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine on post-stroke cognitive assessment and intervention innovation. In 2019, his research team won the Second-Class State Scientific and Technology Progress Award from the State Council of the People’s Republic of China for integrating Chinese medicine into innovative post-stroke rehabilitation. In 2023, Prof. Chan received the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service from the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, PRC.